Potential incidents may be subject to reporting obligations and not just NÚKIB. For example, if personal data has been compromised, in some cases there is an obligation to report the matter to the Personal Data Protection Office within a relatively short period of time. “We know from the office’s decision-making activities that officials impose fines for non-compliance with the above obligations,” consequences.
While experts can be hired for training in handling cyber pitfalls, each company can Chinese American Phone Number List handle basic training on its own. For example, when the check for NÚKIB arrives, check if the receptionist knows what to do. Who to call, what to say, what not to say, and whether he knows what to prioritize in this situation. Checklist will help in the audit By the way, like other obligations, security audits are nothing new in the Czech legal system.
The standard for information security management systems is the ISO 27001 standard, which establishes an initial set of certification and auditing standards. Decree No. 82/2018 Coll. on cybersecurity, currently in force, provides for this obligation in a similar way, but with a slight difference in Article 16. Unlike current arrangements, it will be necessary to develop a cybersecurity audit plan and conduct inspections at intervals determined by the plan.